Animatronic heart

Having a go at making a animatronic heart based on the design and development of Nilheim Mechatronics.

Pretty cool little project – my version is at time being with regards to mechanical design 100% as designed by Will at Nilheim Mechatronics, I may do some changes in the future.  

As for the electronics this is also as designed by Will, I may however have a go at creating a custom PCB that includes both the servo driver  and micro controller in one compact design… time will tell.

I will most definitely do some changes to the code for this project, not to do any changes with regards to the movement or actuation of the servos, but with regards to how the heart rate is controlled and set. Original design changes heart rate by means of a potmeter, I would like this to be defined by my BlodSim system. Also, I will hook the heart up to the BlodSim system so that the heart actually squirts blood as it is pumping… just why not…

I am now in the process of sculpting a clay positive for my silicone heart jacket mold – will update whenever there is any progress with this.